Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back to School: A retrospective

The kids were out of school for the majority of the month of August and with most of their friends back already, and pools closing left and right, it was an interesting couple of weeks filled with lots of outings, tons of Pinterest crafts, and plenty of meltdowns. I think it's safe to say that by the time the month came to a close, we were all VERY ready to get back into the routine that the "Back to School" season brings. Gray and Hayes started 4k and 3k at St. George's Episcopal preschool just down the road from our new house in Germantown and they are thriving and loving every minute of it.
For the first time, Gray is going to school 4 days a week, which means that I have Hayes all to myself on Tuesdays. With the second child, I've learned that you seldom get the opportunity to focus all of your attention on one child, and it leaves me with a serious case of mommy guilt. I never knew how much it would mean to me to have this special day for just us girls, but I am so grateful for it. We run errands, work on the computer together, meet Daddy for lunch, go to Caterpillar Club at the Botanic Gardens, have picnics, and just play. Alone. Together. Aahhhh.
Hayes has begun taking ballet lessons and I fear that I might already be turning into one of those crazy dance moms (God help us all!). But when I get stressed out about her turnout and cringe over the lack of arches in her feet, Adam is quick to remind me that there is still plenty of time for Joffrey. Shew! Just kidding.....but now I think I know why my mom just dropped me off. Just sayin'.
Gray just completed his second season of soccer and we are thrilled to report that we have seen serious improvement from last spring. And by improvement, I am not referring to his soccer skills, but rather his ability to abstain from tears for most of the entire practice. It's the small things, right? All kidding aside, he is a fast little guy and is giving the other kids some stiff competition. And of course, Adam has loved being on the soccer field with him to coach him along. He clearly does not have any of my issues and shows no sign of being a "crazy soccer Dad"...yet.
Surely part of the "less tears/more smiles" campaign that Gray is on has to do with the fact that he recently turned 5. F-I-V-E!! I can't even believe it myself. Was it really almost 6 years ago when we found out he was coming? Only 5 years ago when he turned our world upside down and made us a family? Five is serious big-boy territory. Five is skipping naps because you are having too much fun at a birthday party and it not being the end of the world. Five is skipping meals because you are too busy to eat and you don't even care. Five is drop-off play dates, homework, learning to read, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance by heart. Five is blue jeans and button ups, half zips and khakis and sayonara smocking. Five is BIG and Gray is five. We celebrated with a Mad Science birthday party (his idea of course) and it was mad fun!
In other news, I am proud to announce that Adam is officially a Certified Financial Planner! All of his hard work and studying paid off and he has the letters behind his name to prove it. Way to go, WAP! Proud of you, babe! Until next time, The Pattersons

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