Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas

We started decorating for Christmas the day we got home from our Thanksgiving trip to the coast and we went full force like that all the way through the 25th. We had our first live tree in almost 10 years and had a great time decorating the house, watching Christmas movies, and doing all the seasonal things that have come to be traditions for our little family. We made a gingerbread house.... We rode Diesel, our favorite horse, around the neighborhood during the annual luminary display..... We saw Santa.....several times! We played in the snow at Alpine Village....and saw Santa We visited The Pink Palace's Enchanted Forest...and saw Santa Gray had his "Winter Celebration" at school where he presented his gift to me, we did a craft, and ate goodies with our friends... And Hayes had her Christmas program at preschool, followed by a reception and a playdate with the girls in her class... When P and Pop arrived, we let them open their gift to the kids.... I think the adults liked it as much as the kiddos! We watched the kids in their first Christmas pageant at church. Gray was "the donkey" and Hayes was an angel. We came back to our house and had Christmas Eve supper with everyone. Pop cooked, we opened presents, read the Cajun Night Before Christmas, and when the kids went to sleep, we watched old SNL clips on Youtube until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer. And the next morning, Santa had come and the kids were so excited! Gray was super pumped about his Pokemon cards, light up Razor scooter, and head lamp! Hayes thought she'd died and gone to heaven when she opened her Rock Star ensemble, complete with a guitar! We spent the rest of the day at Lauren and Andrew's, exchanging gifts with the Pattersons, and then at The Griesbecks for a nice Christmas dinner with the whole family. We had a very Merry Christmas and hope you did too! The Pattersons

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