Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Having a ball this Fall

My favorite time of the year is always Fall when my favorite little boy was born. This year, Gray turned 7 and begged for a Wii game console. Now, I don't know much about gaming, seeing as Mal and I only ever had the original Nintendo and the original Mario Brothers game that came with it. But, I do know that they are expensive, addictive, and complicated. So, we told him he would have to pick between that and a big birthday party this year. Shocker, he picked the Wii! As a consolation, I still let him invite 4 other boys to grab some fro yo from Gracie Bleu and then play a couple of games of laser tag at FunQuest. They had a blast and any uncertainty I had about having more than two kids was put to rest. We invited the fam over for a fun birthday dinner, including a homemade ice-cream cake, and I think that and the Wii U made for a pretty happy birthday boy! As always, we stayed pretty busy this Fall trying to fit in all the fun activities we like to do during the season. We went to our second Falcon Fest at Farmington.... Hayes had her first field trip, and they visited the Harvest Festival at the Botanic Gardens in Memphis. It was a ridiculously cold day in Memphis and even our friend from New Jersey was miserable. But in true kid fashion, they didn't let it stop their fun. Since last Halloween got partially rained out, we were really excited about this year's neighborhood cove party, followed by trick or treating on a trailer with friends. Gray was a ninja and Hayes was Little Red Riding Hood. And we spent Thanksgiving in Gulfport, where we also celebrated Aunt Mal's 39th birthday, visited the Orr Museum of Pottery, reminded ourselves how old we were with a trip to hear a band at The Chimney's, and visited with P and Pop. Also in November, Hayes participated in her first pom clinic.... we celebrated Billy P's birthday.... had a fun tailgate at church.... and enjoyed our first school play, Alice in Wonderland! Until next time, The Pattersons

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